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Novel's intrinsict elements

Essential elements are the elements of literature that was written in the literary work itself, which is as follows. a. Theme is something that the basic story, something that pushes the story, or something that the main problem in the story. b. Plot or scenario, the scenario by the author in the preparation of successive events in the view of causality, that constitute a full revolution created. C. context or the creation, namely a place, date and place of the current events in history. d. Point of View, the prospect of an author in history as the first person (author), the second or third person (observer history). e. characterization or disposal, namely the introduction of each character to help players understand the reader, the story content. f. Stories of conflict, namely the main problem that happened in history or literary work. g. message or mandate, namely, that intentions contained in the history of sutau. Amanat is very closely related to the topic.

Determine which elements LITERATURE
As you learned in Lesson 3B literary past, you already know the elements (intrinsic) exist, that in the literature. It could be that you read the contents of the stories important. In addition, there are also external elements in short stories included. Voters are called extraneous. extrinsic factor is the outer part of the work of short stories which have no direct connection with the contents of the story. can work, however, to think about when and how the situation of the work is. In this case, the intrinsic work of authors associated with the condition, social situation, where the work is created, how to make the circumstances of the issuer, a book of short stories or manuscript. You can analyze the intrinsic elements. 1st Figure One of the existing characters in the novel Earth Dance is a lake. He acted as the main character. The character is a mother and grandmother Telaga improvements. 2nd Topic The main issues that affects the thinking of the novel, a woman gave to the surrounding culture. Culture is more detrimental to women. 3rdGroove Jalan caesura stories that exist in the novel, including the scenario before. Well, if you learn more about how the story is intact, you can read a novel Oka Rusmini exhaustive. How to be a different concept of the full contents of the novel. 4th Background We can see the ground with the naming of the figures and also culturally. Thus, the establishment of an existing piece of novel, the people of Bali. The social context of the new fragment is a community's cultural relations with the lives of women indirectly. 5th Characterization / Character In the novel, we can observe the character of each character. As the main character, sprinkle Telaga a revolt on his surroundings. He suffered from internal conflicts over the limits of the usual result in the area. This is illustrated by the following fragment; What is this life? The people in this house works as a sea of white paper, written by the strength and speed. Telaga must be blank pages in his soul written by something unexpected. Another case of strong character Telaga grandmother under normal and makes women have to face the destiny. He believes Telaga must follow the wishes and all the rules.

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